Next Event:
Special Election Caucus
Selecting a person to serve the remainder of UT House of Representatives, District 4
Saturday, January 11, 2024
Credentialing and candidate booths begin at 1:00pm - Election event from 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Ledges Event Center
202 Park Rd.
Coalville, UT 84017
Nominating Convention Results - The Delegates have spoken!
On Saturday, April 13th, 2024 the County Delegates of the Morgan County Republican Party met at Morgan High School for the Nominating Convention event and nominated the following candidates to the Primary Ballot on Jun 25th, 2024.
County Commissioner District 1: Blaine Murray - 73.17% win.
County Commissioner District 2: Mike Newton - By Acclamation.
County Commissioner District 3: Vaughn Nickerson 56.25% 1st round win. (68% with 2nd round tallied.)
County Assessor: Janell Walker - By Acclamation.
County Recorder: Shaun Rose - By Acclamation.
County Treasurer: Kimberly Harrison - By Acclamation.
Congratulations to all these men and women - working hard for the privilege to serving in these offices for the people of Morgan County. It's hard work! And I thank them for putting themselves out there (thanks to all candidates) and meeting with delegates and voters alike, to share their vision and approach to the issues of their respective offices.
Let's get behind our Republican Party nominated candidates and support them through the Primary on June 25th, and onto the general election in November.
Organizing Convention of March 2023
Chairman M. Bret Haney, Vice Chair Cheryle Allen, Secretary Tina Kelley, Treasurer Shawn York, SCC Cam Jones
with Precinct Chairs, Vice Chairs
Proper role of government
Private Property
Reaffirmation of States' Rights
Ethics and Standards
National Security and Public Protection
Self Defense
Freedom of Religion