Morgan County Republican Party
Outreach with Friendship, for LIfe, Liberty and Community

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Caleb Van Bloem, Vice Chair (2018) • September 25, 2018
Think of the  contentment of a fine picnic with family and friends,  or the awe inspiring beauty of a master sculpture (e.g. . As different as they are, both a family picnic and fine art are made possible by the soldier and policeman.

They secure for us both safety and peace through the proper and just use of force, and without safety and peace families do not gather in parks and art sits unfinished. That is one reason why the Republican Party supports the following principles:

We support a military force of sufficient strength and readiness to deter any threat to our national sovereignty or to the safety and freedom of our citizens.

We support the Constitutional mandate to protect and secure our national borders.
We oppose placement of United States troops under any foreign command, including the United Nations.
We support lawful efforts of local law enforcement agencies to protect citizens in their homes and in their communities.

We urge reform of the legal system to accomplish a swift and balanced administration of justice, including consideration of rights of the victim.

We support capital punishment when appropriate."
(Morgan County Republican Party Platform)

Caleb VanBloem, Vice Chair (2018)
Morgan County Republican Party 

MCGOP Articles

By Lydia Nuttall, Chair 2018 November 4, 2018
We believe in the right to life for both the born and unborn. We strongly oppose abortion, except to preserve the life of the mother or in cases of rape or incest. We believe the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We believe all human life is sacred regardless of age or infirmity, and therefore we oppose abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the public funding of any of these abhorrent practices." (Morgan County Republican Party Platform) Wow. Pretty direct, brief n' bold language here! This reminds me of the famous American quote: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men [mankind / human beings] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are LIFE..." (The Declaration of American Independence) It's amazing to me how much we human beings can justify taking away another human being's life...but we take a clear stand against such justifications as Utah Republicans. Lydia Nuttall, Chair (2018) Morgan County Republican Party
By M. Bret Haney, SCC Rep. (2018), Morgan County Republican Party October 22, 2018
" We recognize the traditional family as the fundamental unit of society. We affirm that parents have the fundamental right and primary responsibility to direct the upbringing of their children and to provide nurturing care, discipline and training in moral values." (Morgan County Republican Party Platform)
By Matthew Garn, Secretary (2018) Morgan County Republican Party October 18, 2018
"We support the individual constitutionally-protected right of the people to keep and bear arms for security and defense of self, family, others, property, or the state, as well as for other lawful purposes. We encourage personal responsibility for the care and use of these firearms." (Morgan County Republican Party Platform)
By MB Haney October 18, 2018
The Morgan County DEMOCRATIC Party & REPUBLICAN Party hosted a DEBATE with candidates for Utah House District 53 at Morgan High School (October 10th).
By Lydia Nuttall, 100% American September 23, 2018
● September 17th, 1787 is the birthday of our United States Constitution! ● No other written constitution has lasted as long as our U.S. Constitution. Since 1789, the average lifespan of other nations' constitutions is a mere 17 years. (For example, France has had at least 15 constitutions since its first written Constitution in 1791.) ● Until the United States Constitution, there was no other existing government designed to safeguard the people's opportunity to achieve an unprecedented amount of freedom, peace, and prosperity. ● Our United States Constitution allowed our country to rise from an undeveloped status to become the richest industrialized nation in the world! By 1905, more than half of the world's total production originated in the U.S. yet the U.S. was less than 6% of the world's population! ● In addition, recorded history reveals the fact that no other country in the world has shared its wealth with other nations MORE than the United States of America. Also, America has often forgiven the debt owed by other nations. ● By the 1970's, approximately 160 nations (out of 196 nations in the world) had used our U.S. Constitution as a model for their constitutions. Be PROUD of our U.S. Constitution, Americans! Read and understand it. Support and defend it! Teach our kids, spouse, friends and co-workers these facts. Wish them all a "Happy CONSTITUTION DAY" today! Lydia Nuttall 100% American
By M. Bret Haney, SCC Rep (2018), Morgan County Republican Party September 16, 2018
We demand honesty, integrity, morality, and accountability of our public officials. We will work to expose and stop corruption. For me, It starts with being true to myself, which is actually harder that it sounds. To be honest with yourself, you have to know yourself. Know yourself on multiple dimensions. Your values, personality, preferences and much more. What are you aiming for in life, and why. These are all the many things that make you a unique individual and distinguish you from others. To truly know yourself in this way takes a lot of self reflection, study, and internal conversations with yourself to sort and settle. Being honest with yourself in this way is the best place to start, then you are ready to be honest with integrity and high ethical standards while reaching out to others with the same expectations. Including candidates for public office, and elected officials. M. Bret Haney Morgan County Republican Party, SCC Rep. (2018)
By Bob Harvey, Treasurer (2018), Morgan County Republican Party September 11, 2018
We oppose congressional, judicial, and executive abrogation of the principle that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. We oppose unreasonable and intrusive federal mandates. Bob Harvey, Treasurer (2018) Morgan County Republican Party
By Lydia Nuttall, Chair (2018), Morgan County Republican Party August 30, 2018
IMAGINE the leader of our country sending military troops to Utah and telling us WE HAVE TO QUARTER THEM in our homes. That means letting them eat our food, sleep in our beds, use all our belongings however they need/want, abuse our wives and daughters, etc . IT HAPPENED in America before. "For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us..." It says this in The American Declaration of Independence. Our government making us quarter troops in our homes is one of the 27 listed reasons why We The People declared independence from Great Britain. IT CAN HAPPEN AGAIN in America... ...Unless we UNDERSTAND it is our right to own property and are willing to DEFEND our homes and families from any person or entity (e.g. our government) that would take this unalienable (God-given) right away. Lydia Nuttall, Chair (2018), Morgan County Republican Party
By Caleb Van Bloem, Vice Chair (2018), Morgan County Republican Party August 19, 2018
The Utah Republican Party Platform asserts that any government can only properly exist when the people consent to that government. We the people are not subject to the government but the government to the people. This is in keeping with a nation founded by rebellious Patriots subject to a monarch. "The function of government is not to grant rights, but to protect ...God-given rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. " The Platform also asserts that by virtue of a Divine Creator, we possess rights that should not be violated, rather these rights should be protected by a good government. This is an increasingly unpopular notion among our modern elite, but as Republicans we cannot not be afraid to assert our rights. Remember, the mere revolutionary simply argues about rights while the patriot accepts the duty to secure those rights. Caleb Van Bloem, Vice Chair (2018), Morgan County Republican Party
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